Train Withe Us Safeguarding Policy


The purpose of this safeguarding policy is to ensure that every child that attends Train Withe Us is safe and protected from harm and to provide guidance on the procedures that all staff and volunteers should adopt in ensuring the safety of all students of Train Withe Us. Train Withe Us adheres to the Child Protection guidelines; a child is defined as a person under the age of 18 in The Children Act 1989.

Roles and responsibilities

At Train Withe Us we believe that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and we recognise that it is the responsibility of all staff and volunteers to ensure all Train Withe Us students, regardless of their age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm and abuse.
The DLS (Designated Safeguarding Lead) for Train Withe Us is principal Catherine Withe. The DSL will review the safeguarding policy annually and will be the key point of contact for all staff and volunteers regarding any safeguarding concerns they may have. If the DLS decides further action should be taken once a concern has been logged with them, they will contact the relevant agencies/authorities.
If the child is in immediate need, to protect the child, the police should be called on 999.


Train Withe Us aims to promote good practice and provide children and young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in our care.

Best practice

• All staff and volunteers hold a full, up to date DBS certificate.
• Principal Catherine Withe is the lead first aider for Train Withe Us and is trained in both first aid and paediatric first aid. All other members of staff are first aid trained and will keep up to date with their training. Volunteers with first aid training must provide proof of their up to date certificate to Train Withe Us before being granted permission to administer first aid to any of the students.
• A written record will be kept of any injuries that occur whilst in the care of Train Withe Us and details of any treatment given. Please see the data protection policy for details on how this information is stored and handled.
• Train Withe Us will always aim provide a safe environment for learning. Risk assessments will be carried out by Train Withe Us before each session/lesson of both the learning environment and the activities planned/resources needed to carry out these activities. All teaching staff will provide principal Catherine Withe with detailed half termly session plans. Cover staff and guest teachers will provide a session plan for each lesson they will be teaching.
• All staff and volunteers will give enthusiastic and constructive correction. Verbal feedback should be encouraging rather than disheartening and negative. The emphasis should be placed on ways to improve and encouraging the students.
• All staff and volunteers will ask the student’s permission before giving physical/manual corrections and support.
• All staff will keep up to date with technical skills and qualifications.
• All staff and volunteers will promote fairness and equality and encourage the students to respect one another and staff/volunteers. Bullying will not be tolerated.
• All staff and volunteers will lead by example and be good role models to the students.
• All staff and volunteers will make sure the students are learning/performing in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere/environment.
• Staff and volunteers will respond to delicate situations appropriately. If there is cause for concern about a child’s safety this will be immediately reported to the DSL. If the concerns are about the DSL then staff and volunteers will report this to the relevant agencies/authorities. If a child/young person discloses information that creates cause for concern all staff and volunteers know that they must write down exactly what the child has said in the child’s own words and must sign and date it. They must never ask the child/young person leading questions and they must never promise to keep anything the child/young person tells them a secret. Please see the data protection policy for details of how concern forms are stored and handled.
• All staff and volunteers will value, respect and listen to all students.
• Train Withe Us holds Public Liability Insurance for the protection of staff and students.